gotham city
Tomorrow I go to New York. I can't wait.
Today I go to the bank. Commercial Federal holds not nearly the same thrill as Gotham.
Adventures await!
Tomorrow I go to New York. I can't wait.
Today I go to the bank. Commercial Federal holds not nearly the same thrill as Gotham.
Adventures await!
Dear Web Log,
how are you? I can't believe how long it's been since I last wrote to you. Almost a month! Time seems to go faster as I age.
What have you been up to? I've been so busy with school and my internship. I meant to check in on you but you know how that goes. If it's not one thing, it's another.
I'm just checking flights to NYC while I wait for friends to figure out what's going on for tonight and for Denver's illustrious own Oktoberfest. One can't go wrong with an eight dollar bratwurst--or can one?
Maybe I'll see you around. You should come downtown with us sometime--it would do you good to get out once in a while.
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